If the right support is provided, we believe that every young person can find a fulfilling career. It’s all about early planning!

About Us

The Virtual Career Office exists to support college students, recent graduates, and young professionals with their early career journey. We are passionate about helping you discover your interests to build impact-driven and fulfilling careers.

Connect with our Lead Coach for a one-on-one chat in the following areas:


Confused about which career path to pursue? Need someone to talk to about your career plans? Need help strategizing your career plans? Enjoy three (3) 45-minute one-on-one coaching sessions to discover and plan your career pathway. Sometimes all you need is to ask yourself the right questions 😊


Ever wondered why you can’t seem to find internships or job opportunities? Need help finding the right strategies/skills to access internships and job opportunities? Enjoy a one-time 45-minute one-on-one coaching session to learn effective ways of finding opportunities.


Not sure how to prepare for that interview? Need to prep with a Career Coach? What do I need to know before, during and after that interview? Enjoy three 45-minute one-on-one mock interview sessions to prepare for your interview. Sometimes all you need is practice and confidence😊


Have an idea you wish you could flesh out but have run out of ideas? Do you want to start your own business or project, but unsure of what to do? Do you need a creative mind to help you put the pieces together? Sometimes all you need is knowing the problem you want to solve and your WHY😊

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